
AEW DYNAMITE was broadcast live on TBS from the Wells Fargo
Arena in Des Moines, IA!

Excalibur, Taz, and Tony Schiavone were the broadcast team
for tonight’s event.

It’s Wednesday night and you know what that means!

AEW World Champion Swerve Strickland came out to the ring
with Prince Nana to start the show!

Swerve: “Are you ready for the Forbidden Door coming up in a
few weeks. In one corner we’ve got the International
Champion Will Ospreay challenging AEW World Champion Swerve
Strickland in the main event for my championship. The
biggest stars of this generation colliding, two absolute
killers…well, more like one killer in that ring.

“Will, I told you about 10 years ago once you developed that
killer instinct, there wouldn’t be anyone able to stop you.
Last year you were in the ring with Kenny Omega, and I saw
an assassin get the job done. Fast forward a few months, you
against Takeshita, an assassin got the job done. And I saw
you against Bryan Danielson and once again an assassin got
the job done. I didn’t see that so much at Double or

“But I respect you because you’re a fighting champion.
Unlike some EVPs who haven’t defended their belts since they
got those things.”

The Elite walked onto the stage—AEW Continental Champion
Kazuchika Okada, AEW World Tag Team Champions The Young
Bucks, and Jack Perry!

Okada: “Stop, stop, stop. Whose house? It’s my house,

Nicholas: “Relax, Okada. Sorry about that Swerve, he gets
very defensive over his friends. But right now, I want to
talk about how dominant the Elite have been. We took out
Omega. We helped break Eddie Kingston’s leg. And at Anarchy
in the Arena, we destroyed Team AEW. Half the roster is gone
because of us! All the trolls and the bots still doubt us!
Even the wrestlers in the back don’t think we’re violent
enough! Well guess what? We challenge AEW’s best in the most
violent match in AEW—BLOOD & GUTS!”

Matthew: “Hey Swerve, this is where you come into the
picture. We don’t exactly love all the things you said about
us, but we dig your style. You’re young and you’re a
champion just like us. So, we came out here to ask you a
question. Do you want to stand out here with winners? Do you
want to change the world? Swerve, traditionally Blood & Guts
is five against five and there’s only four of us. Swerve,
will you be our fifth man? And to make it official, I always
wanted to see what you’d look like in a pair of our new

Swerve: “First of all, I don’t wear size nine. And I’m a
businessman, I do my own thing.”

Matthew: “Do you hear that? It’s an injury bug and it just
landed on you, champ!”

The Acclaimed and Billy Gunn sprinted to the ring to even up
the odds for Swerve!

Christopher Daniels: “Stop! Listen normally I’d let a brawl
go all night long! But we’ve got a packed show tonight, so I
need all of you out of that ring and backstage right this
minute. Except you Jack Perry, because you are wrestling
right now against this man…”

TNT Championship Ladder Match Qualifier!

“The Natural” Dustin Rhodes vs. “Scapegoat” Jack Perry!

Jack Perry raked Dustin’s eyes. Dustin fired back with a big
lariat. Jack Perry ripped off the middle turnbuckle pad.
Jack Perry shoved Dustin out of the ring and into the steel
ring post! Perry pushed Dustin into the steel ring steps.
Jack exposed the cement, peeling back the protective padding
on the arena floor. Jack Perry tried to piledrive Dustin
onto the cement, but Dustin countered with a back drop.
Dustin Rhodes was busted wide open, blood gushing from his

Jack Perry lined up Dustin for the V-Trigger, but Dustin
countered with a powerslam. Dustin followed up with a
running bulldog. Dustin was looking for the Cross Rhodes,
but Jack Perry escaped. Dustin jabbed at Jack and then
delivered an American elbow. Dustin drilled Jack with the
Cross Rhodes for a near fall!

Jack Perry sent Dustin headfirst into the exposed
turnbuckle. Perry plastered Dustin’s head on the concrete
outside the ring with a DDT! Jack Perry kicked Dustin with a
low blow when the ref had her back turned. Jack Perry
cracked Dustin with a charging knee strike and pinned Dustin

“Jack Perry advances to the TNT Championship Ladder Match at
FORBIDDEN DOOR live on pay-per-view for the vacant TNT
Championship on Sunday, June 30th,” said Excalibur.

“El Toro Blanco” Rush vs. Deonn Rusman!

Rush clobbered Deonn with a big elbow strike! Rush whipped
Rusman into the barricade.

“I hope MJF is paying attention,” said Taz.

“I think Rush has become the single most violent man in
AEW,” added Tony Schiavone.

Rush blistered Deonn with chops in the corner. Rush smashed
into Rusman with the Bull’s Horns and then pinned Rusman!

“I think you can make a case for Rush being one of the
hottest wrestlers in AEW right now,” said Tony Schiavone.

Rush: “Typical American, like all of you, weak!”

Rush put Rusman back into the corner and was about to hit
the Bull’s Horns again when MJF’s music hit!

MJF ran to the ring and MJF and Rush began to exchange big
strikes! Security tried to separate both of them. MJF
chomped on Rush’s head! Rush pulled MJF out of the ring and
whipped MJF into the barricade. Rush and MJF brawled into
the crowd! The fight went on backstage! MJF muscled up Rush
and smashed Rush through a table! The locker room emptied to
pry them apart!

Excalibur announced breaking news! Next week on AEW Dynamite
it’ll be MJF against Rush kicking off the show commercial

Up next: Trios Match!

ROH World Champion Mark Briscoe, Kyle O’Reilly, & “Freshly
Squeezed” Orange Cassidy
Roderick Strong (with The Kingdom—ROH World Tag Team
Champions Matt Taven & Mike Bennett) & The Don Callis
Family’s ROH World TV Champion Kyle Fletcher, “The Alpha”
Konosuke Takeshita (with Don Callis & Trent Beretta)!

Fletcher and O’Reilly squared off. Fletcher hit a shoulder
block on O’Reilly. Briscoe tagged in but Takeshita gouged
Mark’s eyes. Mark tagged out to Orange and Orange tried for
a diving crossbody, but Takeshita caught Orange and planted
him. Takeshita followed up with a running knee strike!

Trent distracted Orange outside the ring while Takeshita
knocked the block off Orange Cassidy! Takeshita turned
Orange inside-out with a lariat for a near fall. Roddy
grabbed a tag, as did Kyle O’Reilly. Roddy tagged out to
Fletcher. O’Reilly walloped Fletcher with a flurry of
strikes. Mark Briscoe and Roderick Strong traded strikes.
Fletcher ate a combination from Mark Briscoe. Briscoe
clocked Strong with redneck kung fu!

Orange spiked Fletcher with a diving DDT for a two-count!

“That was impressive! Great kick out by Fletcher,” said Taz.

Orange was looking for the Orange Punch, but Takeshita
grabbed Orange’s leg and Fletcher nailed Orange with a half
and half. Briscoe blasted Roddy with a fisherman bomb!
Takeshita rocked Mark with a Blue Thunder Bomb! Orange
planted Takeshita with a DDT! Fletcher ate a StunDog
Millionaire from Orange! Orange climbed to the top rope and
Roddy went to grab him, but Kyle O’Reilly kicked Roddy away.
Briscoe grabbed a blind tag while Fletcher pulped Orange
with a turnbuckle brain buster! Briscoe splashed Fletcher
with a Froggy Bow, but Roddy broke up the pin attempt!

Fletcher blocked the Jay Driller from Mark! Takeshita jumped
into the ring and clocked Mark with a wicked forearm!
Takeshita cracked Mark with a power drive knee strike!
Fletcher spiked Mark with a piledriver and scored the pin
fall victory!

“Wow, that was a big win for the Callis Family,” said

Trent grounded and pounded Orange on the arena floor after
the match! Willow Nightingale’s music began to play.
Statlander had grabbed Willow from behind and assaulted her
through the entrance tunnel!

Stokely Hathaway: “Willow, wake up! I tried! When you go
back and watch this. Here’s a message for you. The next time
you get into our business, we’re not going to be dragging
you through the stage. We’re going to be dragging you to the

A video package aired hyping Shingo Takagi, “Rampage
Dragon”, the NEVER Openweight Champion!

Takagi said he was ready for the AEW Owen Hart Foundation
Tournament! “Now the ‘Japanese Dragon’ is in America. That
is all I wanted to say!”

Interim EVP Christopher Daniels was backstage: “I’ve got
some news for The Elite. Next week, Tony Khan has decided
that The Bucks and Okada will wrestle in Eliminator Matches,
matches where if your opponents win, they will earn title
shots for the World Tag Team Championship and the
Continental Championship respectively. All seconds will be
barred from ringside during the Bucks’ match and we’ll get
to see how elite you really are!”

Premier Athletes—Tony Nese & Ariya Daivari (with “Smart”
Mark Sterling)
Samoa Joe & HOOK (with Katsuyori Shibata)!

HOOK and Samoa Joe ambushed the Premier Athletes on the
ramp! Samoa Joe jabbed Nese in the ring! Hook took down Tony
Nese with a lariat.

Ariya tagged in and he and Nese double teamed Hook with
stomps in the corner. Hook escaped and suplexed the Premier
Athletes. Shibata wiped out Sterling outside the ring with a
kick! Samoa Joe put Nese in a rear naked choke. Hook locked
in the Red Rum on Daivari and Daivari tapped out!

“Is this the birth of a new trio here in AEW? It very well
could be,” said Excalibur.

TBS Championship Match!
“The CEO” Mercedes Moné (c.) vs. CMLL’s Zeuxis!

Zeuxis used a flying mare into a chin lock to take down
Mercedes. Mercedes used the déjà vu to drop Zeuxis. Zeuxis
dropped Mercedes with a roundhouse kick. Mercedes launched
off the announcers’ desk to take down Zeuxis with an arm

Zeuxis sent Mercedes to the floor with a dropkick and then a
tope suicida! Zeuxis power bombed Mercedes for a near fall.
Mercedes blasted her opponent with a bulldog. Mercedes
smashed Zeuxis with a meteora for a near fall! Zeuxis nailed
Mercedes with a double underhook into a lung blower for a
two-count! Mercedes hit the MoneMaker and pinned Zeuxis!

Renee Paquette was backstage with AEW Women’s World Champion
“Timeless” Toni Storm and Mariah May!

There’ll be a contract signing next week on Dynamite between
Storm and Mina Shirakawa ahead of their match at Forbidden
Door, but Mariah May assured Toni that she’d help host it
and make sure everybody is on the same page!

FTW Champion Chris Jericho’s TV Time With The Learning Tree:
Special Guest—

Private Party—Marq Quen & Isiah Kassidy!

The “Redwood” Big Bill welcomed the audience to TV Time with
The Learning Tree Chris Jericho and then introduced FTW
Champion Chris Jericho! Jericho walked out to the ring with
“Bad Apple” Bryan Keith.

Jericho: “Hi guys! Who wants more TV Time? You know I do! I
also want to say thanks to all the branches. My new t-shirt
is already one of the fastest selling shirts in AEW history!
We all respect each other here. I respect all of my branches
in the Jericho Vortex. There’s a couple of youngsters who
need a little advice to get to the next level, so I’m going
to bring out Private Party right now!”

Zay and Quen came down to the ring!

Jericho: “You guys have been doing some great work here in
AEW, but you haven’t been winning matches. The reason for
that is your basics just aren’t to snuff. I don’t know who
trained you. Since I was trained by the late, great Stu
Hart, 33 years ago in the Dungeon in Calgary, I know a thing
or two about doing the basics properly. You guys are
technically unsound.”

Zay: “How about you teach us? I want to see it. I know Quen
wants to see it.”

Jericho: I’m going to show you guys right now how to climb
the top rope the way the late, great Owen Hart showed me.”

Jericho climbed to the top rope and Zay knocked Jericho
down. Private Party wiped out Bryan Keith and Big Bill with
topes. Zay hit a senton on Jericho! Quen followed up with a
shooting star press on Jericho. Private Party left the ring
before Big Bill and Bryan Keith could grab them!

A hype package aired for Forbidden Door where IWGP World
Heavyweight Champion Jon Moxley will defend against Tetsuya

AEW Unified Trios Champions Juice Robinson and The Gunns
were backstage! The Collision Cowboys challenged the House
of Black to a match this Saturday on Collision!

Daniel Garcia vs. Nick Comoroto!

Nick charged at Garcia, but Garcia dodged him. AEW
International Champion Will Ospreay was watching Garcia on a
monitor backstage. MJF was watching from a separate monitor.
Garcia locked in a guillotine and then rocked Comoroto with
the Red Cross, scoring the pin!

“An emphatic victory tonight for Daniel Garcia,” said

“The Bastard” PAC announced he’d be entering the Owen Hart
Foundation Cup Tournament!

“I’m angry again and I’m at my very best when I’m angry!
This will be my redemption story. And one more thing. Bang
Bang Gang, don’t think for a second that the Death Triangle
forgets what you did to us. We never forget!”

Dynamite Main Event Time! AEW International Championship

Will Ospreay (c.) vs. Rey Fenix!

AEW World Champion Swerve Strickland was in the front row.
Ospreay handed Swerve the contract for the Forbidden Door
main event, and Prince Nana took it from Ospreay.

Ospreay blocked an Os Cutter from Rey Fenix, the action off
to a red hot start! Fenix took down Will with a rana.
Ospreay connected with a running boot to Rey Fenix. Rey
stunned Will with a frog splash for a near fall!

The fans chanted “This is awesome! This is awesome!”

Rey Fenix went for a hurricanrana off the top rope, but Will
landed on his feet! Rey Fenix connected with a heel kick.
Ospreay nailed Fenix with a version of the Air Raid Crash!

It was made official that AEW: Blood & Guts will take place
on Dynamite on Wednesday, July 24 in Nashville at the
Bridgestone Arena! Tickets go on sale this Saturday at!

Rey Fenix rocked Will with a crucifix bomb for a near fall.
Rey Fenix flipped off the turnbuckles and nailed Will with a
German Suplex. Fenix reversed a Storm Breaker, but Will
escaped. Ospreay planted Rey Fenix with an Os Cutter for a

The fans chanted “This is awesome! This is awesome!”

Ospreay removed his elbow pad. Rey Fenix countered the
Hidden Blade with a snapping hurricanrana for a near fall.
Ospreay walloped Fenix with the Hidden Blade. Ospreay
climbed to the top turnbuckle and stared at Swerve! Ospreay
used the Swerve Stomp and then the Hidden Blade to pin Rey

“That’s a heavy message sent to Swerve,” said Taz.

Swerve got on the ring apron and then entered the ring. Will
extended his hand to Swerve.

Swerve: “You still think this is a damn game. You’re still
an immature little child. You can’t hand my title on your
shoulder. You’re not strong enough!”

The World title slipped out of Swerve’s hand and Will
grabbed it. Will held both titles on his shoulders. Swerve
snatched the AEW World Title back.

Swerve: “You’re lucky we’re still friends because anybody
else who’d do this…I’d put them in their grave.”

This Friday tune in to AEW RAMPAGE at 10/9c on TNT!

Don’t miss the ONE YEAR Anniversary of AEW Collision on
Saturday on TNT at 8/7c from the Covelli Centre in
Youngstown, OH!

Catch AEW DYNAMITE on TBS next Wednesday live at 8/7ct from
the EagleBank Arena in Fairfax, VA!

Tickets On Sale Now! –

And remember… We are AEW—Where The Best Wrestle!


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